Disney Voice Show

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Wyświetlenia 290
Zapisane 529
Rozmiar 3.95 M
Rozszerzenie .SWF
Szerokość 640
Wysokość 480
Gwiazdy 4
Hello girls! Weren't you just amazed at the stunning voices in the new season of The Voice? And what about the new coaches Shakira and Usher? They...

Hello girls! Weren't you just amazed at the stunning voices in the new season of The Voice? And what about the new coaches Shakira and Usher? They truly are a breath of fresh air, animating the whole show! My friend Lisa is participating in the next show and she is very nervous. She does have an amazing voice and we have all been encouraging her to participate at The Voice, the only problem is that she is not very confident about the way she looks.

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